Thursday, April 11, 2013


One of my favorites
We have had some unbelievably warm weather here in DC the past few days... middle of summer warm... Mina sleeps in nothing but her diaper warm. I know we were all tired of the winter that just wouldn't leave but I was kind of hoping for spring. Anyway, we got a chance to enjoy the cherry blossoms for Mina's 2 month birthday.

Mina and Daddy
Two months... wow! I cannot believe my baby is two months old. It seems like I was just putting the finishing touches on the nursery. Somehow at the same time, I can't imagine life without her. It's almost as if now that I'm a mother, that's all I ever was.
So my beautiful girl, let me tell you how much you have grown in these two months. You are longer and heavier, of course. But you are also so much stronger. While tummy time is inevitably cut short by spit up all over your playmat, you are much better at holding your own head up. You love when daddy lifts you up on his legs so you can stand just like a big girl.
You are smiling now. Oh, how I love those smiles, slightly crooked with one small dimple on your left cheek. You are rewarding me with them more and more often. Despite the increasing smiles, you still have your fussy time each evening. Now you are usually content in my arms, but you still love the swing. Despite our best efforts, you do not like the carrier. You just will not be constrained. You tried your best to kick out of my belly. You were an escape artist with the swaddle and now you complain whenever we try to strap you in anything. It seems my girl loves freedom.
I think you also love mommy. You show it by giving me a full night's sleep. You are such an amazing sleeper. Thank you. Thank you for sleeping and smiling, for growing and playing. And thank you for spitting up and even crying. All of these things make you Wilhelmina, my beautiful two-month old baby girl. I will hold on to all these precious things while looking forward to what the next months will bring. I love watching you grow.

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