Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This is my Bathtub

To the untrained eye, it may look like just a normal tub that happens to have claw feet that make it slightly charming. Until today, I saw it as just another inconvenience of my small bathroom. By the time you put two liners in there (whoever designed the bathroom didn't bother to put tile against the shower side wall), it makes for a very cramped shower space. I, in my quite pregnant state, must use the radiator to help me get in and out since it is higher off the ground than your average tub. But I like having a lot of space for relatively low rent so I put up with it... until today.
Today, feeling very pregnant, sleepy and slightly nauseous, I decided to take a bath. Now, that tub may be my favorite thing in the entire house (including my husband). It was designed in an era when baths, not showers, reigned supreme and people were shorter just like me. Actually, I don't know about the short thing but this tub happens to be just my size. The back is the perfect angle for reclining and a towel under my neck makes the perfect pillow in the small space between wall and tub. Best of all, I can move the water controls with my feet so if I'm too hot or cold, I can easily adjust it... or I can reenact that scene from The Notebook.
So if you ever have a choice between two bath tubs, I would highly recommend a claw foot one. The experience is legendary. Of course, if the other option is a jacuzzi tub, jets trump pretty much anything so go with the jacuzzi. I, unfortunately have never been faced with such a choice. More on pregnancy and babies and such tomorrow or later this week, but I though we all could use a break. Speaking of breaks, I might make this bath thing a weekly ritual. I am so relaxed and happy now.

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