Friday, August 9, 2013

Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff

Today is Mina's half birthday! I know I still have a long way to go as far as raising a daughter, but it seems like a big milestone. On February 9, six months seemed so far away. There were days (and nights) I thought we would never make it. Other times, I felt Mina was getting so big so fast. It's funny how time works like that, always playing tricks on us. I am going to review some of the high and low points, the hours when time stood still and the moments that so quickly slipped away.
I can't describe the feeling when my baby girl was placed in my arms for the first time. It was a sort of euphoric disbelief. I was truly in awe. The next 24 hours would bring more of that feeling but also plenty of pain and frustration. These past six months have been a balance of all these emotions as I watch Mina grow.
During her second and third months, I spent my last hours of the evening with a fussy baby thinking Ben would never come home. During the same period, she began rewarding me with smiles when I came to get her up in the morning. Those smiles were so much better than my morning cup of coffee at waking me up and preparing me to face the day.
I really try to cherish every moment with my beautiful girl, but Mina's fourth month dragged on forever. One day, she stopped napping in the afternoon. I thought she would never nap again. It was just two or three weeks but it felt longer than the previous three months of Mina's life.
Each new week over the past six months has brought new challenges and new joys. Some of those firsts (smiling, laughing, eating solids) I would love to relive again. Other moments, I could have happily gone without. But life has to be lived. I don't get to manipulate time and see what Mina will be like in another six months. I just get to be with her right now and right now she is a beautiful, happy baby girl and I could not love her more.

Wilhelmina at 6 months

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