Monday, February 4, 2013

4th Grade Math

Today, my mom sent me a picture of two plastic cups. One had "weight?" written on it. The other said "day?" Yes, my always creative mom found yet another way to make math for her fourth graders more engaging. I guess hamburger fractions weren't enough this year. My baby and I get to be a part of her estimation unit. Each student got to guess the birth date and weight of the baby (within reasonable limits). The winner in each category gets a prize. I thought we could all use a refresher in fourth grade mathematics, so I am conducting a poll of my own. On the right side, you will notice two polls. Vote on what you think is the most likely answer. Those of you who know my exact due date may have an advantage :) There may or may not be prizes involved since I'm not sure I will be able to see who voted or not. But I think it will be fun. And my mom and I can compare notes and see whether, as a group, my readers or her students were closer. Enjoy!


  1. I was just telling my mom the other day that I think it would be super cool if you had the baby on my birthday (Saturday), so I had to cast my vote for that. :)

    1. I didn't see this until now but I guess you won! Guess it is a good day to be born. And happy belated birthday :)

  2. I've never been spot-on in guessing when a baby will be born, before :) Congratulations. She is beautiful!
