You know those days you are expecting an important package you have to sign for and you just sit around waiting for UPS to get there so you can go on with your life? It's like that, except the package has about a 3 week arrival window and you may have to stop whatever you are working on for several weeks or at least 2 days. That is how I feel waiting on this baby to get here. It's not just that I don't like having feet pushing on my ribs and a watermelon resting on my bladder. It's that anxious sense of waiting and expectation, of not knowing whether to make plans or go anywhere too far from home.
I tried to read all the information I have on going into labor and searched the internet for information on when that time is getting closer. I found what I thought was helpful advice, such as "Most first pregnancies go a full or even past 40 weeks" and "It's likely you will feel cramps or flu-like symptoms shortly prior to labor." Then, I came across the inevitable and much hated "BUT"- "but I gave birth at 37 weeks my first pregnancy," or "but I felt exactly the same with no contractions until all of the sudden my water broke". So now I'm back where I started, waiting and hoping she doesn't come at a time that is too inconvenient.
I've also come to the conclusion that maybe it is better not to read any of the advice found on online message boards. After reading several posts of how moms felt bad the day before going into labor, I thought I would consider that as a warning sign. I neglected to consider that feeling bad is relative, especially when almost 9 months pregnant. Is it possible to be carrying a 6-7 lb baby around inside you and feel fantastic? For the past couple weeks, I've been feeling a little worse each day, so how much worse do I need to feel to know it really might be the start of labor soon?
I don't know if this inability to know when the baby is coming is to prepare for an inevitable lack of communication between mom and daughter during her teenage years, but I don't like it. I also can't do anything about it. My bags are packed, the nursery is ready and we have all our supplies. I think at this point the best way to combat this ever-looming birth day is to ignore it. So this week, I plan to put up some fun, not necessarily pregnancy-related posts. Maybe I will share some favorite recipes or some fun stories about life lately. Enjoy!
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