It's been awhile since I've written, probably not since the restaurant opening. I have been so busy and any waking moment not at work I have wanted to spend with Mina. But this morning finds both of us at home watching the Rose Parade. I think this year is going to have a tough time living up to the year before it. The highlight of 2013 was, of course, Mina but it was good to us in other ways too. I got a new job. We visited family and friends in both Florida and California. So many other little things have piled up to make this year truly amazing despite the struggles of parenthood. Last night as I was reflecting on the past year, I realized how blessed I have been with some great years. Looking back, my first memory(ies) of every year for at least the past five is a positive one.
2013: Mina!
2012: Found out Mina was coming, graduated from L'Academie de Cuisine
2011: Moved to the DC area, started culinary school, got real jobs
2010: Started the year with a trip to London, ended with my wedding
2009: Got engaged
And it goes on like this. Year after year of good memories. I know I don't yet have that many years to look back on. Some years can truly be difficult and negative all year long, I'm sure. But I think that even the worst years must have something good in them. So in 2014, I want to focus on those things. I doubt this year will be as good as the last but I have high hopes.
Here are some favorite 2013 memories:
February 9 |
Ted's with the family |
Father's Day Pint and Half-pint |
Disney World |
CA for Great Grandma's Birthday |